numerology IN ENGLISH


Analysis in English and Hindi


As the name suggests Numerology is all about numbers and how these numbers represents unique vibrations and characters. These number influence everyone’s life. Number combinations, missing numbers, numbers present in double or more time.. all these factors effect our life. Every alphabet , logo  and symbol also has unique value of numbers associated with it. Numerology is the study of the relationship that numbers and letters have with our personality and life events. It is an ancient metaphysical science that reveals the blueprint of every human being’s life and it is one of the most accurate and powerful self- help tools available today.


One of the benefits of numerology is that it can uncover your destiny and life purpose and the life lessons you’ll face along the way, which is valuable information if you want to make the most of your journey.


Numerology can be used following but not limited to :



  • Naming a baby or a person


  • Greater awareness and self-understanding


  • Improving relationships through a better understanding of others


  • Forecasting the future & Planning of major life events


  • Choosing a suitable career


  • Evaluating relationship compatibility


  • Changing a name for marriage (or other purposes)


  • Choosing a business name (product name, brand name, book title etc …)


  • Evaluating the energy of an address, a property, or a home


  • Choosing a wedding or important event date


  • Evaluating the energy of a country, a city, a town etc.


The art of numerology is based on the personality of numbers, their inner nature and vibration, and how they can be used to better understand yourself and the world around you. Numerology was developed independently by several cultures including the ancient Greeks and Chinese. Created over 4,000 years ago. But even before that it was originally originated from Indian Vedic science. A key concept within the tradition of numerology is the idea that there is information and meaning hidden in your date of birth and the name you were born with.


Lo Shu grid is a square-shaped design which consists of 9 numbers from 1 to 9 with 3 rows and 3 columns. Total of each row and each column sums to 15. Now 15 is the number of days between the new moon and the full moon. Number 5 was also highly regarded in ancient China and this magic square had a number 5 in the center.


The number between 1-9 are driven by different planets. Number are part of life and each number has its own attributes and qualities. Each planets are also assigned some colours based on its qualities.


Below is the table for the Numbers and its associated planets, colours and qualities :


Number 1 : SUN  / Surya Dev

Strong individual , masculine , likes to be in control , authoritative , bright , loves freedom, prefers comfort of life


Number 2 : Moon / Chand Dev

Peace loving , soft , gentle , emotional , supportive , fluctuating , good looking , intuitive , attractive


Number 3 : Jupiter / Guru / Brahaspati

Strongly built , healthy , energrtic , rational , ambitious , dutifull, spiritual , scholarly , enlightened , disciplined


Number 4 : Rahu 

Rebellious , unpredictable , stubborn , aggressive , moody  short tempered , secretive , impulsive , selfish


Number 5 : Mercury / Budh Dev

Child like , free spirited , flexible , progressive , logical , playful , adaptable , princely , shrewd , sensitive , bright


Number 6 : Venus / Sukracharye

Artistic , sensuous , romantice , creative , inventive , friendly , organized , tactful , manipulative , soft spoken , gentle


Number 7 : Ketu

Indecisive , disruptive , social , artistic , intuitive , mystical , religious , insightful , creative , dreamy , loves nature , romantic , sentimental.


Number 8 : Saturn / Shani Dev

 Introverted , lonely , thoughful , wise , harmful , depressive , strong willed , caring , protective , radical , labourious , subservient , suffering , striving


Number 9 : Mars / Mangal Dev


War like , egoistic , short tempered , violent , hard outside but soft from inside, dominating ,aggressive , strong , rough , fighting , alienating  strong leadeship


Your Date of Birth tells a lot of attributes about you. Date of birth can be from 1 to 31. End number is calculates as follows

If your date of birth is eg 14 , then your driver is 1+4 = 5

If your date of birth is eg 27 , then your driver is 2+7 =11 = 1+1 = 2


Driver number is also called as Psychic Number or Moolank Number or Lucky Number


if your date of birth is 9 nov 1975, then you will not use driver in lo shu grid. Though property of 9 will impact you in same manner.

( please note if your date of birth is not double digit , or less than 10 , then you will not use this driver in lo shu grid,every thing else remains same)


Your Complete Date of Birth tells lot of attributes about you. Conductor number is calculates as follows

If your complete date of birth is eg 14 Nov 1968 , then your conductor is calculated as follows

 1 + 4 + 1 +1 +1 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 31 = 3 + 1 = 4


Let’s take another example

say your complete date of birth is 28 Jan 2011 , then your conductor is calculate as follows

2 + 8  + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6



Conductor number is also called as Life Path No or Destiny Number , Fadic Number or Bhagyank Number



If you are below 35 or 40 years of age , then you should see your Driver Number and see attibutes related to your Number. Below 35 or 40 your driver number effects your life 80 % and Conductor effects 20 %. When you cross 35 or 40 years of age Conductor starts controlling your life.

So when checking the below arrtibutes , please check if you are in Driver phase or Conductor phase


No 1 . Sun | Surya | King | Fire

Leadership Quality | Royal

Authoritative | Pioneers | Innovators

Cant perform under pressure

Freedom Lover

Dominating Nature


No 2 . Moon | Chandra | Queen | Water

Vacillating Mind | Fluctuating Mind

Good in helping others

With best intuition power

Not good decision maker | Need Support

Attractive |Gentle | Soft


No 3 . Jupiter | Guru | Counsellor

Always hungry for knowledge

Good counsellor | Visualization power

Good Teacher | Preacher of life

Very good healer | Effective touch

Good starter but bad finisher


No 4 . Rahu | Police | Daredevil

Rebellious | Always in controversy

Self-centered |Harsh Decision Maker | Success only after hardwork

Full of Ego | Always want to dictate | Abusive | Dealer

Dushmano ka dushman | Yaroon ka yaar

Not easy to predict | Never like to bow down 


No 5 . Mercury | Buddh | Prince | Princess

Luckiest Number | Born Lucky

Very Friendly & Adjustable | Intelligent

Entertaining | Good Communicator

Sensitive | Lazy | Careless

They always bounce back in life


NO 6 . Venus | Shukra | Asur Guru

Truly Family man | Attractive

Opposite sex attraction | Romantic | Diplomatic

Highly manipulative | Luxury

Nature lover | Ye Dil Mange More

Travel lover | Entertainment lover


No 7. Ketu | Shadow | No existence

They trust others easily | Self doubt

Always face betrayal | Researcher | Confused

Setback in Love / Finance / Health

Low confidence | Highly spiritual | Secretive | Occult

Attraction towards opposite sex


No8. Saturn | Shani | Judge

Whole life struggle | Delayed success | Want isolation in life

Judge | Never take side | Egoistic

Fixed ideas, Fixed liking, Fixed disliking

Angry man | Self centered | Best Fund Manager

Always want logic | Job Keh Diya Wo Patthar Ki Lakeer


No 9 . Mars | Mangal | Senapati

Humanitarian | Daanveer Karan

Fighter | Hard task Master | Moody

Disciplined | Ready to help others

Saatvik | Don’t attract to sex

True warrior | Rough & tough personality


Driver Number

Conductor Number

All numbers in DOB

Kua Number

Name Number

All the numbers that you will learn would be making your Lo Shu Grid. The Ultimate Grid to Make all your life prediction

Out of above 5 Numbers , You have Already Learnt to find your Driver , Conductor and Obviously you Would know all numbers in your date of birth.

Now we will learn how to calculate Kua Number and Name Number , Let’s Go ….

Kua number

Though the significance of Kua is little less than Driver and conductor number , but still it plays an important role in the decision of if you are getting the government job or not. Good news is that there are ways to activate kua number and make it a stronger one.

for calculating Kua we only take your birth year

For Males and Females  , the method of calculating Kua number is different

For Males:

For example the birth year is 2001. We will add the digitals 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 3

Now subtract it from 11

In this case its 11-3 = 8

Kua number is 8

Lets take another example 

Birth year is 1975

Lets add 1+9+7+5 = 22= 2+2=4

Subtract it from 11

11-4 = 7

Kua number is 7

For Females

Process is all the same but instead of subtracting it from 11 , we will add it with 4

So for some female with birth year 2001 ( 2+0+0+1 =3), Kua number is 3 +4= 7

for birth year 1975 (1+9+7+5 = 22=2+2 = 4) , Kua number is 4 +4 = 8

for birth year 1968 (1+9+6+8= 24 =2+4 =6)

Kua number is 6 +4 = 10 = 1+0=1

Name Number

Its actually very simple but some numerologist have projected it as a complex thing

Every alphabet has been assigned a number. You just have to replace your alphabets in numbers and sum them up.

Value of No 1 is being given to following alphabets

A, I , J , Q , Y

Value of No 2 is being given to following alphabets

B , K, R

Value of No 3 is being given to following alphabets

C , G, L , S

Value of No 4 is being given to following alphabets

D , M ,T

Value of No 5 is being given to following alphabets

E, H , N

Value of No 6 is being given to following alphabets

U ,V ,W ,X

Value of No 7 is being given to following alphabets

O , Z

Value of No 8 is being given to following alphabets

F , P

Please note that this is most famous and most used and most accurate system of numerology. People might teach you other concepts , but when we can get results from this one , why to get confused with other not so famous methods. This is Chaldean numerology.

Once you get above values  , only thing that needs to be done is replacing your name with number

So for example



2 for R

1 for A

4 for M

2 for K

6 for U

4 for M

1 for A

2 for R

3 for C

5 for H

1 for A

5 for N

4 for D

5 for E

2 for R

Lets total them

2+1+4+2+6+4+1+2+3+5+1+5+4+5+2 = 47 = 4+7 = 11 = 1 +1 = 2

So name number is 2


Lo Shu Grid

By a simple example of name and date of birth , lets make a Lo shu grid

A Lo shu Grid look like this

Lets now calcualte our numbers and replace them in the above Lo shu grid.

So if you have 4 , then retain 4 , else delete it. 

If you have 3 times 4 , then write 4, 4 ,4

Similarly write or remove numbers from Lo shu grid

Just to remind again

we have to fill

Numbers in date of birth , driver , conductor , Kua number and name number.

Lets get it ready. 

So for example lets take a male with full name 

Krishna Kumar and date of Birth 18 / 03/ 1977

Lets start finding numbers in date of birth

1 , 8 , 3 , 1, 9 ,7 , 7


Driver : 1+8 = 9

Conductor : 1 + 8 +3 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 7 = 36 = 3+6=9 

Kua : Lets sum total birth year,1+9+7+7 = 24= 2+4=6

Kua = 11-6 =5

Time tocalculate name number

K= 2

R= 2

I= 1

S= 3

H= 5

N= 5

A= 1

K= 2

U= 6

M= 4

A= 1

R= 2

Total is 2+2+1+3+5+5+1+2+6+4+1+2 = 34 = 3+4= 7


Let us now fill all these number in place where these numbers exit in Lo shu grid

Please note here that we will fill date of birth numbers which are  1 , 8 , 3 , 1, 9 ,7 , 7 

Drive which is 9 ( please note if your date of birth is not double digit , or less than 10 , then you will not use this driver in lo shu grid,every thing else remains same)

conductor which is 9

Kua number which is 5

Name number which is 7 

Lo Shu Grid of Krishna Kumar

Each number stands for what?